Ace The Firefighter Interview Guide


Learn How to Absolutely ‘Smoke’ Your
Firefighter Interview So You Can
Come Out on Top And Get the Job!
. . .Once you know what questions will be asked during your interview and how to answer those tough questions, there’s simply no way you can fail
Dear firefighter applicant,

It’s exciting. Every day, I get letters and emails from new firefighters thanking me for my help during the interview process… People that were once firefighter applicants just like you, who are now living a great life doing a job they truly love.

Letters just like these:

I’m writing to let you know that your firefighter interview guide was a godsend for me. I tested with 422 other people and was one of the 14 hired for the academy. I hoped your guide was going to help but I had no idea how much.
Thanks again!!!
Armand G. - Riverside, CA (via email)