“How To Multiply Your Salon Profits Within 2 Weeks... And Stop Your Bored Stylists From Walking Out And Working For Your Competition Across The Street...”
...Now You Too Can Compete With The Toughest Competition, And Start Stuffing Money Back Into Your Own Cash Register From Today Forwards.
It all started when you became a skilled hairdresser. You loved meeting people, you loved showing off your creative flair.
Then after a while, you noticed how much money your boss - the salon owner - was wedging into his cash register every day. That's when you realized that you were on the wrong side of the fence!
So, you made a smart and brave move and started your own salon.
With your name above the door, staff working hard for you and respecting you, friends and family being proud of you... it was a great lifestyle, right?
Sadly, before long, the reality struck...
Running a successful salon wasn't going to be as easy as you had imagined.